Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Will the consequences of an arrest and conviction last a lifetime and impact your ability to get a job?

Wall Street Journal  

As Arrest Records Rise, Americans Find Consequences Can Last a Lifetime: Even if Charges Were Dropped, a Lingering Arrest Record Can Ruin Chances of a Job ("America has a rap sheet. Over the past 20 years, authorities have made more than a quarter of a billion arrests, the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates. As a result, the FBI currently has 77.7 million individuals on file in its master criminal database-or nearly one out of every three American adults...The 'growing obsession with background checking and commercial exploitation of arrest and conviction records makes it all but impossible for someone with a criminal record to leave the past behind,' concludes a recent report from the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.") (Read NACDL's report -- Collateral Damage: America's Failure to Forgive or Forget in the War on Crime - A Roadmap to Restore Rights and Status After Arrest and Conviction at

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Ventura, California 93003


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